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Black Barlow Columbine

The Black Barlow Columbine is actually a variation of the European Columbine (Aquilegia vulgaris) and is correctly termed as Aquilegia vulgaris var stellata 'Black Barlow'. It is often also called Aquilegia vulgaris Black Barlow.

The flower of this columbine plant looks different than that of most other columbines. Sometimes the Black Barlow flower is referred to as clematis-flowered columbine. Yet, I think, the flowers resemble more a small dahlia flower than a clematis flower. The small round flowers (about an inch – 3 cm - in diameter) are fully double and have no evident spurs. Yet, they do have spiky petals that add to its mystical look!

Columbine, Barlow Black

Columbine, Barlow Black

One of the most colorful of all columbine! Black Barlow produces numerous fully double blooms and grows to 3' tall. It can be planted in sun or partial shade. Excellent plant for late spring/early summer color. Attracts both hummingbirds and butterflies. Zones 3-8.

The flowers of aquilegia Black Barlow are black in color – as the name indicates. This feature makes this columbine great for an old-fashioned or gothic garden. The dark and noble, mystic appearance of these columbine flowers is a true gem in your garden! Watch other people turning their heads on these flowers while passing by your garden!

Blooming time is in late spring. The plants prefer to grow in the shade (or in partial shade). Common soil is fine, it should be kept moist, but the plants can withstand some dryness. You do not have to water them very often.

Aquilegia Black Barlow flowers are ideal plants for near-natural, cottage and woodland gardens. The flowers produce a lot of nectar and therefore, attract butterflies (and other insects) and hummingbirds.

The plants do easily self-seed. So, you better deadhead them after blooming to prevent that they become unchecked in growth (these are perennial plants that return year after year).

Tip: This columbine flower variety was bred for cut flower production. If you grow them in your garden, you can cut them and use them for impressive flower bouquets, centre pieces or other flower decorations. Be creative and enjoy them all over your house!

Tip: Are you a black flower lover? Another columbine with black flowers is Aquilegia atrata.

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