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Geranium Dalmaticum

Geranium dalmaticum is commonly known as Dalmatian Geranium. This wild geranium plant belongs to the genus Geranium (Cranesbills). Geraniums, Pelargoniums (scented geraniums) and Erodiums are members of the Geraniaceae family.

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The Dalmatian Geranium is a semi-green perennial plant that is native to the mountainous regions of former Yugoslavia and Albania.

Like many other wild geranium species, Geranium Dalmaticum fits very well into a near-natural garden and is a superb food and nectar plant for many insects like butterfly, moths, bees, bumblebees, flies and others.

The wild Dalmatian Geranium and its few cultivars are occasionally grown in gardens and parks. It has quite small and delicate, yet, attractive pale-pink coloured flowers on small stems.

The plants bloom from spring to summer. The foliage is medium-green, glossy and fragrant. It turns to a lovely orange-red to burgundy colour in autumn. The leaves are small lobed.

These plants are ideal for alpine and rock gardens and grow in full sun. However, they do require some shade in very hot conditions. You can also plant them in groups or singly in containers, walls, borders and patios. They spread slowly and only grow about 10 cm in height. Water them sparingly because they do not like soil that is too soggy.

Cultivated Geranium Dalmaticum Varieties Include:

G. dalmaticum 'Album' – Flowers: white with pink stamens.
G. dalmaticum 'Bressingham Pink' – Flowers: pink.
G. dalmaticum 'Bridal Bouquet' – Flowers: quite big, first pale pink, then, turn white. Foliage: dark-green.
G. dalmaticum 'Croftlea' – Flowers: pink.
G. dalmaticum 'Dragon Heart' – Flowers: magenta, dark red to black.
G. dalmaticum 'Reinrosa' – Flowers: pink.

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