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Geranium Rozanne

The geranium rozanne is a very popular garden plant hybrid. It belongs to the cranesbill species (geranium plants) and is together with the storchsbill species (pelargoniums/scented geraniums) a member of the geraniaceae family.

Apart from Geranium Rozanne there was a geranium that looked just alike: the Geranium Jolly Bee. Yet, studies proofed that the DNA of both plants is identical. And therefore, it was agreed by the concessionaires that only the name Rozanne is to be used further.

Imagine this:

You return home after a hard day of work.

Wouldn’t it be nice to just sit down in your garden and fully enjoy it without worrying about garden-work to be done like mowing grass or weeds to be pulled out? Well then, Rozanne must be your first choice!

This plant grows fast and covers the ground quickly. It flowers for a very long time and you can enjoy your garden without investing a lot of time. This is a truly robust and low-maintenance plant. And because it covers the ground so quickly and densely it gives the annoying weeds no chance to grow in between.

It is not for nothing that this pretty flowering geranium has been elected in the USA to be the perennial plant of the year 2008!

Geranium - Rozanne - $23.95

Retail Price: $33.95
You Save: $10.00
from: Nature Hills Nursery, Inc.

The pretty blossoms of Rozanne are brilliant violet-blue in colour and bloom from May until freezing temperatures set in. You can grow these perennials in your garden but they flourish also on balconies, in pots, in containers, in window boxes and then, in hanging baskets they are truly a feast for the eyes!

They are not fussy about their growing location. They grow in sunny or in shady places and in dry or moist places. It is best to prune them in autumn or late autumn before frost sets in. If it gets really cold during winter it might be a good idea to protect them and to cover them up. This way you can enjoy these lovely flowers year after year!

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